Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm cheating, riding annadale today. It's drizzly and smells wonderful!

So its the Rockville Mountain Bike Park blog and I go to Santa Rosa and much for any sort of consistency. But Annadel State Park in Santa Rosa is very similar to Rockville, only bigger. Both are on the edge of town but really right up on the edge, not aways out. There are houses build right up to the edge of both.

Both also have the same shape, more or less a cone with a lake in the middle. Rockvilles lake is closed to human entry, but allows fishing, Annadels is open to people and fishing.

What I love about both is that you ride up from whereever you start, which means you ride down to get out and back to your car. I like out and back, in the up and down configuration.

I rode up the Warren Richardson trail at Annadel, Its about a mile from the free parking along the road before the park entrance, but the ride to the trail head is pretty and a good warmup. The Warren Richardson trail starts at the parking for the horse trailers, and is a mile and a half or so of fire road up hill till it gets to the meadows and lake in the center of the park. Some of it is a little steep but my kids did it when they were little with some walking.

You have to be careful though for people bombing it in the downhill direction! Think not much time to get out of the way, and not much control on their parts if they're getting air!

Around the lake is a lot of flat single track and horses and hikers, and trails heading off into the yet to be explored.

I came down via the Rough Go Trail, to the Orchard Trail, and finally the Cobblestone trail. All fairly rocky, Rough Go the worst. It was work going down, almost more than the climb up as there were a lot of rock outcroppings to pick your way over and through. Maybe thats why guys bomb down the fireroad!

Next time I go I think I will try the Spring Creek trail, I saw kids and a pregnant lady come up it...


It was a 75 mile drive for me, so I'm lucky I have Rockville! But it was a good change and a great place to ride.

Annadel map

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